Why does my child need Iron?
Iron is the most important mineral in your child’s nutrition. Iron produces hemoglobin, the protein found in red blood cells that distributes oxygen to the rest of the body. Because of hemoglobin, your child is able to produce healthy red blood cells to support their growing muscles and tissues with the oxygen they need.
If your doctor informs you that your child has an Iron deficiency, this supplement ensures they’ll receive the daily value needed. Plus it tastes delicious, unlike most liquid metal-tasting supplements!
Why does this product have Vitamin C?
Vitamin C helps the body absorb Iron more effectively. Iron is super important for boosting the immune system and keeping kids’ health in tip-top shape. Plus, the Oh-Oh- Oh Orange taste is full of yummy Vitamin C kids will love.
How many mg of Iron are in each tablet?
There is 9 mg of Iron in the form of carbonyl Iron. We use carbonyl iron instead of ‘iron salts’ (ferrous sulfate), which are known to cause tummy side effects. Our iron is absorbed more steadily which makes it safer and the preferred type for children supplementation.
My picky little eater doesn't like the taste - what do I do?
First, make sure they aren't taking our Melty Tabs right after eating something sweet, like breakfast cereal, candy, or cookies (or that McDonald's sundae that your carpool partner got for them on the way home!)
Since our Melty Tabs are made with wholesome ingredients and Zero Sugar, their natural taste can be impacted if sweet things are eaten before (or if your child has an especially strong sweet tooth).
If you do have a serious picky eater and it doesn't seem to matter what they ate before, just send us a note at hello@renzosvitamins.com and we'll refund your money, no questions asked. We know the taste can be hit or miss with kids, so our Picky Eater money back guarantee has your back!
Are these vegetarian and/or vegan-friendly?
Yes, Iron Strong is both vegan and vegetarian-friendly. It is made with zero-animal derived ingredients.
Do these contain stevia?
Nope! Iron Strong does not contain stevia. We use only monk fruit and natural flavors to get our yummy taste just right.
How big is each tablet?
Our Iron Strong tablet is about the size of a chickpea, but it is flatter, making it easy and safe for kids to just pop in their mouth (~8 mm in diameter). They go down extra smooth without water or swallowing big pills, thanks to our Melty Tab technology.
Is the product made on dedicated allergen-free equipment?
Renzo's are made in our family-owned facility that is free of peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, and other common allergens. We can provide more information if you are interested in details on a specific allergy. Just send us a note at hello@renzosvitamins.com
How much mannitol is in the product?
We use less than 0.3 grams per tablet - just the right amount to make our Melty Tabs dissolve easily in tiny mouths.
My kids are younger than 2 years old, can they still take them?Although we've had instances in which kids as young as 16 months take our Melty Tabs, we still recommend asking your health care provider if Renzo's is safe for your toddlers.
What is carbonyl iron? I’m used to giving ferrous sulfate to my child. Can you explain the difference between these two forms of iron?
Carbonyl iron is equivalent to 100% elemental iron, whereas ferrous sulfate is equivalent to only 20% elemental iron. Carbonyl iron is safer, more gentle on the tummy, and absorbs better than ferrous sulfate.
Each Melty Tab of Renzo’s Iron Strong contains 9 mg of carbonyl iron (in other words, 9 mg of elemental iron). This would be equivalent to 45 mg of ferrous sulfate.
Should Renzo’s Iron Strong be taken on an empty stomach?
For best results, please take Renzo’s Iron Strong on an empty stomach. Optimal iron absorption can potentially be limited by the presence of calcium, so it'd be best to avoid combining any calcium-fortified foods with Iron Strong. :)
Is Iron Strong guaranteed to increase my kids iron levels?
We’ve received many success stories from parents, but depending on your child's level of iron deficiency, the iron dose required to have an effect on their iron levels will vary from child to child. Please consult with your healthcare provider for the appropriate recommended dose for your child.
What do I do if my child needs iron but won't take Renzo’s Iron Strong?
Parents have had success dissolving our Melty Tabs in orange juice and giving it to their kids as a drink, we hope this helps! :)